Flutter AndroidView forbidden parameter

Michael Febrianto
1 min readMay 13, 2022

Develop hybrid application is fun. However sometimes you can find unexpected behaviour. I am building a list of weird result when I added specific parameter to Flutter AndroidView. This article is living one so you might see different or updated content when you visit this next time.


If your new flutter widget looks weird and it feels a lot better with this parameter. I suggest you think another way to fix it. If you add this one it will show awkward space between keyboard and your android view.

You see that gray box below the white box ( edit text ). I cannot see what is that in Flutter dev tools. Since it is not registered then it cannot be removed.

I don’t know how many items do we have here when you read it. However, please come back since next time it will have more. God bless you all!



Michael Febrianto

Bible History buff, food vlogger and Software Engineer